Thursday, September 10, 2009

Splendour in the Grass

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.
Lines 180-190


Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood

(by the sublime) William Wordsworth

My comment - That radiance, however, is omnipresent and everpresent. It is never taken away nor can it be. It is only lost in our own illusions which can be overcome.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why conciousness growth is essential

That's why inner transformation, i.e. people developing themselves beyond individualistic-me-vs-them consciousness to a level of consciousness that apprehends that we are all individuals AND are all interconnected and interdependent (ONE) is vital. Greed and ego-limiting blinders can't be contained by regulation alone. The (thinking-rational [independent] segment of) conservatives don't even KNOW about or acknowledge this level that includes and transcends individualism in INTERdependence, not dependence. (Growth and evolution goes from dependence to independence to interdependence). They are afraid of regressing down to the pre-individualistic (dependent) mythic-membership level of rule/role uniformity collectivism exemplified by Stalinism, Maoism, Communism, fascism, medievalism, etc. The irony is that the religious wing of the conservatives are AT that level - Christian fundamentalism (My way or no way - one of us or an infidel).

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Melting Pot and its anachronisms

My comment in regard to this article by Chris Hedges published June 30, 2009 (my comment published today, July 7):

It needs more editing and refinement and work, but here's the rough draft:


"How Right You Are, Mostly"

The emergence of the value of diversity, equal rights for minorities (including the LGBT community), and women, pluralism, and revival of roots and true history that happened as the postmodern wave emerged in the 60s and 70s, the wave ushering in the worldcentric stage, was built on the necessary homogenization and nation-centric awareness of the melting pot transforming from the ethnocentrism of the 19th century, and eariler.

The fact that the neoconservatives did not allow this natural evolution to exist in anything but starved-for-air underground venues and actively fought to react AGAINST the postmodern wave has brought us to this point when we should be quite green and postmodern in the developed countries and moving into the Integral planet-centric phase. This, as I said, was blocked, imo, by Rove, Norquist, and the corporatists who did not want to give up their old melting-pot elitist plutocratic power, excess wealth, and advantages, who had not transformed their consciousness upward and outward.

The marriage of reason and emotion is feeling-attention, (Da) aka vision-logic (Wilber), a higher faculty of consciousness promoting compassionate interdependent awareness and wise action.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My theory of some of the motivations behind Wall St. greed in recent years

I have a theory that at least more than a bit of what has happened is that boomer orange levels along with some depressed, dispirited, not-owning-their-power greens saw with their intelligence that the coming global warming and all the throttling of the green wave by the orange (and amber) right for the last 40 years (the green wave entails going from carbon-based economy to neo-organic sustainable one), and, not to be forgotten, also because the many contradictions, many of which involve pre-trans confusion and conflation, disorganized the green wave including The New Age (Aquarian) Spiritual integral wave (yellow-second tier). This is an area I want to research and write about, so, forgive my somewhat unedited scribblings....

To get back to the point from the field: My theory is that the smart but narcissistic (not caring enough about the commons [us]) oranges and greens decided to get rich so they could live comfortably in the unhappy times that await us as global warming proceeds. One will need plenty of money, and to live in a guarded enclave (probably in the Western U.S. or an elite area at least 50 feet above sea level) of the world with plenty of paid security. That takes a level of wealth only achieved quickly through these ponzi schemes.

And here we are - fucked!

Say, maybe I should examine how much I'm owning MY power.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

The mobius strip is the perfect symbol for enlightenment - the paradox (display) (kosmic joke) of trans-manifestation unity and the play of evolution in the Universe.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Integral Cultural and Social History - A Key Period to Study

The mid-sixties to mid-seventies ushered in the postmoidern era with its transformation of culture and society, People transformed (grew), translated (failed to grow but adapted until stress cracked that) or resisted (reacted against it and continue to). Also there are plenty of pathological pre-/trans confusions that arose that were not dealt with.

In fact the reactionaries who founght the REGRESSIONS to pre-modern (not in the service of re-integration to post-modern/Integral) - were progressives relative to these regressions, but were and have been reactionaries to progressive healthy (whole) (trans-modern) post-modern and Integral currents.