With the mess that the American political scene is now, the right devolving and/or become a total lapdog for the top 2%, and the left co-opted or scattered and dissipated, we need an Integral leadership in policy now, fairly urgently I'd say, but it must not only transcend but include (of course) the full healthy green meme, which is more communitarian and has been fought tenaciously for 30 years (really 40, since its major emergence).
Any integral political leader will have to understand that there are large numbers of blue and orange many of whom are not interested in growing/transforming (or even translating their good values horizontally to culture and society), the "free" market having produced its share of decadent greedy and un-civic minded hedonists (we saw them wreck the world economy in the casino-financial sector enables step-by-step through Rs & Ds since the 80s and the S&L crisis.) We have to manifest green planetary care and communitarian planet-wide embrace before we can get stably to 2nd tier planetary entrepreneurship. And I think there should be a new structure to replace the corporation that is more holistic and connected to the biosphere and the care-o-sphere and the noosphere.