Sunday, June 1, 2008

New green level lover right quadrant structures

In one or more of his books (and I'll insert title and page no., when I find it, or else an image of the chart, Ken Wilber has an AQAL (four quandrant) chart that shows the evolution in the LR quadrant that goes from corporate structure to intentional communities. I don't know if he's abandoned that scheme, but it makes sense to me, as I visoned it with the help of the INTEGRAL hippie/new age movement in the late 60s/70s. I still am searching for new structures (economic and transactionary, i.e. relating to the distribution of goods and services) to replace (transform from) corporate from amber to green.

What is "post-corporate" "Business" I would say trans-corporate business, but I happen to agree with the critique of corporations in the book and DVD, "The Corporation" - see the DVD and the book. Notice the word "pathological" in the title(s.) I suppose one could say that (see below) corporations became pathological - expressions of pathological orange, driven by greedy red pathological pursuits of profit and power", rather than rational orange organizations accepting and enjoying their responsibilities to their workers and their communities.

I used to have a vision of a world in which television (instant communications) (in the early 70s, I envisioned it as television and incipient video/computer connections) - now that has materialized as broadband A/V communication would connect Integral Intentional communities, each dedicated to different material, cultural, and/or social pursuits exchanging transformative information with each other on education, farming, the arts, finance, in a synergistic planetary web of care and concern all arising consciously in the infinite/eternal Ground (and Goal) of Being.

I never have seen the value of corporations. This is a postmodern area I feel stuck in, and have to do some research, as to what corporations advanced, and what their benefits to earlier systems were.

The mistake of giving corporations equal rights as individuals in the late 19th century has resulted in a corporate irresponsibility that has and continues to do untold damage to the planet and the non-elites of the planet.

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