Sorry, but after listening to Andrew Cohen during the six hour "EnlightenNext" webcast on Sat. May 31 '08, including around an hour dialog with Ken, I have to say that he uses the words "stumble upon" very often, and I'd say, in my opinion very appropriately (and, I'd venture to say unconsciously self-referentially) for his thought processes. His loquacity and verbosity (talking on and on and on, going in circles, repeating the same ideas over and over without progressing the dialog), seem rather narcissistic and are certainly tiring to listen to. And I'm not hearing anything I haven't known for at least 25 years, or that is borrowed from Ken.
In contrast, when you listen to Ken, you almost always hear something fresh or at least a fresh reformulation of leading edge thinking about the transpersonal and Integral realms.
I hope someday to work at/for the Integral Institute. I know Andrew Cohen "gets it", and I'm not calling him inauthentic, insincere, false or unaware, but his verbal style is maddening to me.
I also happen to think that Ken Wilber is miles ahead of Cohen.
My opinion may not be popular with the folks at I-I, but I know there's room for disagreement and varied opinion there.
I consider Cohen to be a student to Wilber, from what I've heard. I certainly wouldn't put him in the category of guru or teacher.
Anyway, while acknowledging that I have a bit of jealousy (of Cohen) and resentment (that I've had Integral realizations for 20 years, and haven't achieved much important work in the field), I want to end this piece on a positive note, and say that I'm hoping to solve my health problems and financial poverty and get to work on areas of Integral AQAL studies that interest me now, specifically - what is/are the green SOCIAL "business", i.e. DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES/ECONOMIC STRUCTURE(s) - what is/are the teal SOCIAL "business", i.e. DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES/ECONOMIC STRUCTURE(s) -
Ken said it takes a spiritual community to realize an Integral realization for individuals - well, that was the "pie-in-the-sky" commune that I wanted to live in since the 70s. Dennis called it "pie-in-the-sky", but I agree with Ken. I needed it. I had issues with fear and major blockages and shadow/projection with my 2nd chakra.
"It's an open book", as I used to say.
"It can be very, very hard on people are moving at this leading Integral edge", says KW. Listen to the enlighten_053108_AC-KW" mp3 file.
I think what Cohen (one thing at least) he was trying to say is that it can be hard for people who have awakened to 2nd tier Integral consciousness to return and work and live in a 1st tier world which surrounds them - Ken replied that they need a spiritual community - but there aren't many.
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