With the mess that the American political scene is now, the right devolving and/or become a total lapdog for the top 2%, and the left co-opted or scattered and dissipated, we need an Integral leadership in policy now, fairly urgently I'd say, but it must not only transcend but include (of course) the full healthy green meme, which is more communitarian and has been fought tenaciously for 30 years (really 40, since its major emergence).
Any integral political leader will have to understand that there are large numbers of blue and orange many of whom are not interested in growing/transforming (or even translating their good values horizontally to culture and society), the "free" market having produced its share of decadent greedy and un-civic minded hedonists (we saw them wreck the world economy in the casino-financial sector enables step-by-step through Rs & Ds since the 80s and the S&L crisis.) We have to manifest green planetary care and communitarian planet-wide embrace before we can get stably to 2nd tier planetary entrepreneurship. And I think there should be a new structure to replace the corporation that is more holistic and connected to the biosphere and the care-o-sphere and the noosphere.
Integral and postmodern musings - inspired by Ken Wilber, AQAL theory, and others
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Another half-baked offering for the folks
It surprised me when I read in a fairly recent dialogue between Ken Wilber and Andrew Cohen that Cohen was surprised and disappointed by the notion that THIS "something" (The Universe) (manifestation and Evolution) is Spirit's non-purposeful game of hide-and-seek with IT(SELF), a Kosmic Joke, but a "serious" one. It seemed to surprise him and, I felt, disappoint him (he even said so, or words to that effect, if I recall correctly). It's an ancient idea, though. I got it from Alan Watts who got it from Vedanta and/or Mahayana Buddhism et al, and I got it through my own experiences, although Watts didn't get into development/Evolution, which is a novel Integral idea/discovery (though Sri Aurobindo was pre-Watts, so ??)
Anyway, this doesn't mean we aren't to try to help the game along, but I, too, am guilty of getting into the collective ego that Cohen "despises" so much in individuals, or, I should say, demands it not be indulged a whit. I get into it with my anger at the way things are going. I accept my anger. But as Wilber puts it, are we not "to love until it hurts" (there is profundity and room for debate perhaps in this), and does not each higher, deeper, wider, bigger, more inclusive holon carry with it an imperative to care and help even more in compassionate service and Love?
Turn the circle into a Spiral, but don't forget the timeless already-perfection of the Empty Mirror. O to stop going in circles and rest at the Still Point of The Turning Universe.
Anyway, this doesn't mean we aren't to try to help the game along, but I, too, am guilty of getting into the collective ego that Cohen "despises" so much in individuals, or, I should say, demands it not be indulged a whit. I get into it with my anger at the way things are going. I accept my anger. But as Wilber puts it, are we not "to love until it hurts" (there is profundity and room for debate perhaps in this), and does not each higher, deeper, wider, bigger, more inclusive holon carry with it an imperative to care and help even more in compassionate service and Love?
Turn the circle into a Spiral, but don't forget the timeless already-perfection of the Empty Mirror. O to stop going in circles and rest at the Still Point of The Turning Universe.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
From here to here in "3/5 of a mile in 10 seconds"
Pres. Obama's remarks inpraiseof teacher of the year and Dr. Height both were modern - emphasized individual goals for success in a pregiven culture/society. Postmodern values inderdependence/integral aware
postmodernism values interdependence with strong retention of unique individual creativity and innnovation. Integral coordinates them with love and care in the service of greater manifest love and light beyond categorization - the Blessed Brilliance of LoveLightLife!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
more jottings:
amber - central control "religionism" feudalism, statism (Communism, Fascism) -
orange - corporate homogenization and mergers countered by state power to regulate - glorification of the individual - rational planning valued but "liberty" valued more.
green - rational planning highly valued for the common good but not central control - decentralized networks with healthy neo-organic, interdependent - undervalued leadership and control agencies - ideally leadership and control agencies are near the Integral second tier teal.
green/teal can see the holons and understand the win-wins. and implement them through rational and trans-rational persuasion ?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
observation of the day
These wacked-out far right paranoid militia groups saying socialist Obama is coming for their children (and their guns, of course) are at the warrior-ego-blood-ties-kin definitely ethnocentric-racist red level - wayyy down there - and then there are ambers and oranges expoiting their fears.
I have to confess I'm only 1/3 of the way through McIntosh's INTEGRAL CONSCIOUSNES; I'm slowly absorbing it. I'm also re-reading Ken Wilber's afterward "Postmetaphysics" in INTEGRAL SPIRITUALITY, after having heard it bandied around in an audio discussion yesterday. So stay tuned for better, clearer post, I hope - anyway - voila -
Postmodernism paints much on the monovisioned orange and amber levels as "phony" - ego roles that are unaware of deeper subjectivity and of intersubjectivity hardly at all - in other words, ego-trips parading as authentic people. Peoplke in linear roles - asleep. This goes back to the somewhat retro-romantic "infected" beginnings of the post-modern in the late forties and fifties with the beats, the drop-outs, the avant-garde artists and new leftists= the hi community in the late 60s - fully contextual - large minority attaining integral and above consciousness for peak periods many lasting for years due to a temporary supportive countercuture. There was a lot of "beat zen" and Alan Watts influenced flow/flex going with the flow
read Ken Wilber, "Integral Spirituality," esp. the afterward - re Beyond Metaphysics" & Steve McIntosh, "Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution."
Postmodernism paints much on the monovisioned orange and amber levels as "phony" - ego roles that are unaware of deeper subjectivity and of intersubjectivity hardly at all - in other words, ego-trips parading as authentic people. Peoplke in linear roles - asleep. This goes back to the somewhat retro-romantic "infected" beginnings of the post-modern in the late forties and fifties with the beats, the drop-outs, the avant-garde artists and new leftists= the hi community in the late 60s - fully contextual - large minority attaining integral and above consciousness for peak periods many lasting for years due to a temporary supportive countercuture. There was a lot of "beat zen" and Alan Watts influenced flow/flex going with the flow
read Ken Wilber, "Integral Spirituality," esp. the afterward - re Beyond Metaphysics" & Steve McIntosh, "Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution."
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
subject object fuse transcend leave alone
Tripping or being high with someone whether through drugs (psychoactive, meaning thc or psychedelics) or just incorporating this new level or element into your space is intersubjective exchage. Objective reality (the objective half) still remains, but now one realizes that subjectivity is always a component. This is the postmodern advance. Becoming in thrall to subjectivity and denying objectivity (in the famous case of "The Secret" - "you create your reality" - is fallacious nd ultimately psychotic. But adding it and then snergyzing it with the objective while always being aware that there is but ONE reality is exilhirating and awakening, and you get a neo-objectivity, Big Mind which plays and displays both subjective and objective, as I said in a new Objective-PLUS, - that's Integral or approaching it. OR PERhaps just healthy postmodern.
More to come....
More to come....
Monday, February 22, 2010
Notes from all over
Tea-partiers confuse interdependent with dependent - since they are stuggleing to mainin first independence and don't have much of a clue what "interdependent" means.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Turn of the Hegelian Orange-to-Green Screw
People are afraid of socialist programs because so many nations have regressed to pre-European enlightenment human rights and freedoms, pre-rational, level of tryranny. Postmoderns see the linear, blinkered-visoned, competitive, rigged-game love of power above all greed of the modern rich as unjust and wicked and seek to provide justice, sustainable planetary living, and interdependent cooperation. If that's not close to 2nd tier, it's the closest 1st tier can get. It's great to be second tier (and I seem to be only in peeks, these days, otherwise I'm a path.-to-healthy green who has peeked all the way to the UltimaTe Non-Dual Eternal Infinite Love Light IS - I AM THAT I AM- anyway, as I was saying before I provided more autobiog./bragged - a healthy bigger - and I emphasize healthy GREEN turn of the evolutionary screw - the new bigger holon(ic) antithesis to linear competitive monovisioned orange is necessary - we need to move the center up to HEALTHY green from 20-25% of us to 51% of us. That is at least as important as cultivating Inegral leaders among us - I'm not saying more important, but without a larger healthy (and that's saying something, too, given the narcissism and regression among boomers - so let's get younger people up to healthy green) green holon, 2nd tier won't have a large evolutionary end of the line 1st tier horizontal plane to flourish in.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
About the postmodern holon and to Integral
Stream-of-consciousness, in other words, unedited
"blabbering:" If you get anything out of it, tant mieux:
The postmodern phase - the green phase - the late modern/existential no exit and blank slate/multi-perpectival Einsteinian relativity-the notion of the absurd-the limits of ego/postmodern integration of bodymind - beginning of transcendence of ego-relative pluralism maturing into integral pluralism-same pre-trans confusions that produce MGM, but vital to recognize the trans- from the pre- and to transcend as we re-embody, so as to facilitate Integral holon coinhabitation - second tier.
"blabbering:" If you get anything out of it, tant mieux:
The postmodern phase - the green phase - the late modern/existential no exit and blank slate/multi-perpectival Einsteinian relativity-the notion of the absurd-the limits of ego/postmodern integration of bodymind - beginning of transcendence of ego-relative pluralism maturing into integral pluralism-same pre-trans confusions that produce MGM, but vital to recognize the trans- from the pre- and to transcend as we re-embody, so as to facilitate Integral holon coinhabitation - second tier.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Is Wilber and Co. Naive about the Corporate Chicanery Concussion to the Economy corruption now??
I've got to say that I'm disenchanted with KenWilber (and some of the crew at Integral Life now.
Putting up with big rich board-members' Michael Crichton's global warming denial to Whole Foods' John Mackey's dismissal of public health care as a right,
to rosy projections onto Barack Omaba (just read the rose-colored 4/5 responses to his first year and SOTU speech, incl. KW's and three others who are in a quandry as to whether Obama is second tier, where, green though my center operating space may be at this time, I see Obama as orange/green-heavy on the orange/ light on the green. And much more ego bound than they seem to? Projection(s)? Whose if any?
Putting up with big rich board-members' Michael Crichton's global warming denial to Whole Foods' John Mackey's dismissal of public health care as a right,
to rosy projections onto Barack Omaba (just read the rose-colored 4/5 responses to his first year and SOTU speech, incl. KW's and three others who are in a quandry as to whether Obama is second tier, where, green though my center operating space may be at this time, I see Obama as orange/green-heavy on the orange/ light on the green. And much more ego bound than they seem to? Projection(s)? Whose if any?
I've got to say that I'm disenchanted with Ken Wilber (and some of the crew at Integral Life now. - putting up with big rich board-members' Michael Crichton's global warming denial to Whole Foods' John Mackey's dismissal of public health care as a right, to rosy projections onto Barack Omaba (just read the rose-colored 4/5 responses to his first year and SOTU speech, incl. KW's, and his and three others are in a quandry as to whether he is 2nd tier, where, green though my center operating space may be at this time, I see as orange/green - heavy on the orange - light on the green. That's a big chasm to bridge to feel intimate with Wilber & co., as I've been at times and want to be again, but I see the need for a real healthy green transformation, not jumping to second tier - I don't think that's realistic now, given where everyone is at on this planet ? ?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Critique of Integral Life Center
I"m somewhat distressed that the Integral Institute/Integral Life (Ken Wilber's integral /enterprise/research-center--"integral think tank//healing & growth center out of Boulder is right'leaning although they claim to be fully transcended and 3rd tier - first, if i might say it, hasn't there been pandering to wealthy board members, to wit, first Michael Chrichton who denied global warming, and now John Mackie who denies that food, shelter, and healcare are basic human rights not wages to be earned, and I mean minimum expense but decent auality of all three. I imaine he consideres both these values to be pathological green, whereas I maintain that they are both healthy green values, and are to be included fully, as we transcend to 2nd tier politically and economically (lower left quadrant - "we" - culture & lower right quadrant -- & -- us - politic civil economic society. Yes, I'm for agency and indivual responsiblity beyond this point, but we have to etablish and interdependent care green ethic before we spiral Hegelian into (in SD terms, we have to do the antithesis spiral turn/feminine/caring/ a new yellow agency, this time aware and sensitive to all the first tier holons.
I currently hold a "progressive" or green/traditional left wing view/critique of the power and economic structures now, that they are unjustly concentrated into a tiny plutocratic pathological grasping and averse egoic orange world elite, whose power institutions include The Bilderberg Group, The Carlyle Group (still?0, The Foreign Research Council, and the Trilateral Commission. I'm not a Marxist with a working class argument, but a green-socialist open to opening through what i think is the valuable route for 2nd tier Integral, which hasn't "come to me" fully envisioned yet lol.
I currently hold a "progressive" or green/traditional left wing view/critique of the power and economic structures now, that they are unjustly concentrated into a tiny plutocratic pathological grasping and averse egoic orange world elite, whose power institutions include The Bilderberg Group, The Carlyle Group (still?0, The Foreign Research Council, and the Trilateral Commission. I'm not a Marxist with a working class argument, but a green-socialist open to opening through what i think is the valuable route for 2nd tier Integral, which hasn't "come to me" fully envisioned yet lol.
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