I"m somewhat distressed that the Integral Institute/Integral Life (Ken Wilber's integral /enterprise/research-center--"integral think tank//healing & growth center out of Boulder is right'leaning although they claim to be fully transcended and 3rd tier - first, if i might say it, hasn't there been pandering to wealthy board members, to wit, first Michael Chrichton who denied global warming, and now John Mackie who denies that food, shelter, and healcare are basic human rights not wages to be earned, and I mean minimum expense but decent auality of all three. I imaine he consideres both these values to be pathological green, whereas I maintain that they are both healthy green values, and are to be included fully, as we transcend to 2nd tier politically and economically (lower left quadrant - "we" - culture & lower right quadrant -- & -- us - politic civil economic society. Yes, I'm for agency and indivual responsiblity beyond this point, but we have to etablish and interdependent care green ethic before we spiral Hegelian into (in SD terms, we have to do the antithesis spiral turn/feminine/caring/ a new yellow agency, this time aware and sensitive to all the first tier holons.
I currently hold a "progressive" or green/traditional left wing view/critique of the power and economic structures now, that they are unjustly concentrated into a tiny plutocratic pathological grasping and averse egoic orange world elite, whose power institutions include The Bilderberg Group, The Carlyle Group (still?0, The Foreign Research Council, and the Trilateral Commission. I'm not a Marxist with a working class argument, but a green-socialist open to opening through what i think is the valuable route for 2nd tier Integral, which hasn't "come to me" fully envisioned yet lol.
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